Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia

In Bodhgaya, India

Tunnel under the Sun Pyramide of Bosnia

Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia
Seminars and Workshops
Life Shift
Find the purpose of your life
and get it
Find out what you really want and make the shift

We are maybe in that moment in life when we have that awful feeling of being trapped, and we don’t know how to get out of it; that feeling where we don’t know where to go or what to do next, that we need to be doing something different, but we just don’t know what.
It´s not so easy how to find your direction in life, specially when we are no so young anymore, and it´s terrifying doing the wrong thing or making the wrong decision.
But when we are young, we just live life without questioning. It´s when we reach the maturity in life, that we ask ourselves if we are doing the right thing… but if it is so, how come I feel I´m not really working with my full potential… even though I have no clue of what it is?.
If we want to know how to find our direction in life, we need to gain some clarity. The answers we seek have been always here, within our own inner wisdom. We want to find our Inspiration, a purpose that’s bigger than us. A goal, something really to live for, our passions.
We just have to listen to our inner voice.
When trying to figure out how to find your direction in life, your job is to focus on what you want and where you want to be.

Focus on the what, not the how
Because after when we find out what we want in life we spend too much time focusing on the how. Don’t mess with the how because you will freak yourself out as your mind comes up with every conceivable reason as to why what you want is completely impossible or impractical. Just to find reasons of the why till now it didn´t happen and what could go catastrophically wrong if you make now your move. That´s why you never did anything and why you’re just never going to do it.
So shift your thought patterns. Focus on what you want by visualizing your success until the thought of achieving your goal feels so real and inevitable to you that you find yourself catapulted into inspired action to make it happen.
Not only in this workshop we are going to find out what we really want to do in our lives and what are our stronger abilities, but we are going to build up the confidence to make that shift, and of course, we will do that shift to start a new reality. The one we till now don´t know that it exists, but that it´s actually waiting for us to realize it.
Not to become what you want is a mental attitude.
Let's rewire our brains.
It is a guided experience of state change. A life-changing experience.
A workshop to create miracles