Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia

In Bodhgaya, India

Tunnel under the Sun Pyramide of Bosnia

Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia
Seminars and Workshops
Intuition and Tarot
Intuition is the “voice” of the Divine Spirit within manifesting through the mind, the highest part of ourselves “speaking” to us.

The intuition is inherently spiritual in nature, whereas psychic powers are not necessarily spiritual at all.
Surrendering to your intuition gives you greater optimism, less stress and loneliness, and a more sophisticated way to make good decisions.
Recalling past lives can be not only an exciting experience, but can help you understand yourself on an incredibly profound level and to spot the source of the unwanted life patterns.
Developing intuition puts us on the path to healing, wholeness and personal evolution. Each of us has access to inner guidance that knows the best way forward for all concerned.
Answers to the questions of our lives are available to us every moment. We simply need training on how to ask for and receive this inner guidance.

As you develop intuition you will:
- Experience less confusion and greater clarity
- Make fewer mistakes and solve problems more easily
- Develop self-trust and self confidence
- Find more meaning and purpose in your life
- Enhance the quality of your life
We are our own enemy that stops us from achieving the balance, inner guidance, happiness, peace of mind, that keep us stuck, victimized by events out of our control and blocking our success.
Become more open to your intuition and psychic abilities to raise your consciousness. When you expand beyond awareness at the subconscious and conscious levels, you merge with the superconscious or spirit.
Positive and loving thoughts and feelings that lift your spirits are expanding your consciousness. They are literally raising your vibration, your energetic vibrational frequency.
We will learn not only to develop or recognize our intuition, but to get the connection we need to start doing tarot card readings.