Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia

In Bodhgaya, India

Tunnel under the Sun Pyramide of Bosnia

Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia
Seminars and Workshops
Intuition and Psychic (ESP) Development
( 1 Week)
Extrasensory perception or ESP, also called sixth sense, is a knowledge not acquired through the recognized 5 physical senses but sensed with the mind. The term denote psychic abilities such as telepathy.
If a person can slow down his or her brainwave for a few seconds or minutes at or below Alpha wave without falling asleep, he/she can perform remarkable things with his/her brain at these levels which he or she can not do at other levels like:

- To see things that can´t be seen though physical sight through Clairvoyance
- The same but to the past through Retrocognition
- To see what a person is thinking through Telepathy
- See distant places or event without being physically there, through Remote Viewing.
And a large etc
But if he/she can slow down his/her brainwave still more to the Theta level, he/she could undergo surgery without anesthesia.
And if he/she can slow it down still more to the Delta level without falling asleep, then he/she can levitate, move objects or bend metals through Telekinesis or do astral travel.
Greater communication with yourself as well as greater communication with others can occur as you become more open to psychic insights. The potentials are very appealing and you can know:
- How they really feel, not just how they appear to feel.
- What the reasons are behind their emotions.
- What they have been through in life.
- The challenges they face.
- Their talents.
- What they are attempting to communicate with you.
And throughout this one week long seminar-workshop, we are going to explore our potentials. Because we all can perform such psychic powers, but our minds are too busy and we don’t believe we can.

- Meditations and exercises of:
* Telepathy
* Psychometry (or object reading)
* Telekinesis
* Remote viewing
* Dowsing (Radiesthesia)
* Trance Healing
* Seing Auras
* Automatic Writting
* Clairvoyance
* Clairaudience
* Clairolfaction
* Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)
* Precognition
* Retrocognition
* Telekinesis (inclusive Table Tilting)
* Astral Projection
Next Seminars:
In German, but could be also in English:
Changed. Still in process
Menorca, Spain
From 1.200 €
* Accommodation and food
* Picking up from the airport and bringing back there the last day
* Transport to the different energetic places
* Whole program (levels 1 & 2)
For more information about this travel, have a look in the section Spiritual Travel in Menorca
In English, but could be also in German:
To determinate
Visoko (Pyramids), Bosnia
899€ or 626€
* Accommodation with breakfast (for 626€ this offer is not inclusive)
* Lunch
* Entrance in the Tunnels of the Pyramid of the Sun
* Picking up from the airport and bringing back there the last day
* Transport to the different energetic places
* Whole programm (Levels 1 & 2)