Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia

In Bodhgaya, India

Tunnel under the Sun Pyramide of Bosnia

Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia
Spiritual India :
The concept of Auroville came to the Mother in the 1930s and in 1966 UNESCO passed a unanimous resolution commending it as a project of importance to the future of humanity, thereby giving their full encouragement.

Nearly 60% of Aurovillians are foreign, from all age groups (from infancy to over eighty, averaging around 30), from all social classes, backgrounds and cultures, representing humanity as a whole. The other 40% are Indians.

Auroville, 'the City of Dawn', is an international community dedicated to peace, sustainability and 'divine consciousness', where people from across the globe, ignoring creed, colour and nationality, work together to build a universal, cash-free, nonreligious township and they run a wide variety of projects, from schools and IT to organic farming, renewable energy and handicrafts production.

Max. 8 participants: It´s recommended to book early.