Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia

In Bodhgaya, India

Tunnel under the Sun Pyramide of Bosnia

Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia
Pyramids in Bosnia

The largest and oldest pyramid complex of the earth with an associated wide-ranging system of tunnels located in Bosnia, only a few kilometers from Sarajevo.
This claim is rejected by the traditional archeology. In 2006 Dr. Sam Osmanagich exposed and designated these archaeological sites and artifacts that have been dated to over 25,000 years but are "officially" of natural origin.
But the fact is that this region of Visoko has physically measurable phenomena, such as special electromagnetic fields, and negative ion and oxygen concentrations, which are unique and inexplicable. These aspects and the many health beneficial effects, leave the valley of the so-called "Bosnian pyramids", as one of the largest (healing?) secrets of mankind.

Travel content:
In our journey we combine the visible facts with the "energetic" quantum physics aspects. The trip participants will receive an overview of the fields of archeology, geology, metrology / biology, (Tao) geomancy, dowsing, history (legends and facts) and modern quantum physics.
We visit the most important places frequently during the day and even at night, so that everyone can get a full picture. Excursions will take us among others to the pyramids, the tunnels, the mystical stone balls and other enigmatic and powerful places.Especially the tunnel with their worldwide uniqueness, have a noticeable effect and measurable positive impact on our body. The negative ions in the air of the tunnels, have a quality that is not found in this constellation in the world.All in all we expect a fascinating adventure and expedition that is far more than a sightseeing tour.

Our Services:
Program Bosnia:
The accommodation is in the Franciscan monastery in Visoko.
Comprehensive program: with daily excursions to the most powerful places, also at night, with exclusive singing bowls meditations in the tunnels of the pyramid, Geomancy, awareness exercises, and more.
Travel Price (exclusive flight): From 879€, with program and accommodation.
Travel dates: Working on it
Beginning on arrival: Approx. at 17:00
Last day Departure: Until 13:00
We look forward to your inquiry!
Upon registration, a deposit of € 399.00 is due, the balance is to be paid until 10 days prior to departure. By paying the fee the place is secured. The number of places is limited to 16 participants. For further questions we are happy to help you. Visit us on one of our many lectures on this subject.