Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia

In Bodhgaya, India

Tunnel under the Sun Pyramide of Bosnia

Pyramide of the Sun in Bosnia
Seminars and Workshops
Buddhist Meditation for Beginners

People have practiced meditation for a long time, based on Buddhist meditation principles, in order to effect mundane and worldly benefit, but the healing aspects of Buddhist meditation practices bring about psychological awareness, healing, and well-being.
The Buddha taught many different types of meditation, each designed to overcome a particular problem or to develop a particular psychological state. But the two most common and useful types of meditation are Mindfulness of Breathing (anapana sati) and Loving Kindness Meditation (metta bhavana).

The quest for enlightenment isn’t the only reason as to why to meditate.

To really understand meditation, it requires more than just learning from reading about it, but it is a practice that requires doing, and cannot be fully understood by reading or explanation alone.
If one understands the world and themselves in a deep and transforming way, then you are ‘awakened’ or buddha. Meditation is one of the tools that Buddhism employs to bring this about.

There are many different kind of meditations in Buddhism, like the Tibetan visualization practices, Zen, Vipassana, Pure Land and others.
For example, Shamatha (mindfulness) is a well-known Buddhist practice that focuses on developing calmness, clarity and equanimity and when combined with vipassana (awareness) practices, it can lead to profound insights and spiritual awakening.

Another meditation practice is Metta (lovingkindness), beginning by directing wishes for well-being and lovingkindness toward ourselves and progressively to others.

The central defining form of Vajrayana meditation is Deity Yoga, and this involves the recitation of mantras, prayers and visualization of the yidam or deity. Advanced Deity Yoga involves imagining yourself as the deity.

There are many meditation practices, but we will not do any of the Zen Buddhism and center ourselves in a couple of the Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism, in a light form, like Samatha, Vipassana, Metta, Dzogchen, Deity yoga (Vajrasattava – to remove negativities- and Medicine Buddha – for healing) and a couple more.
Of course, it will come with a bit of explanation of the philosophy and aim behind each one of the meditations and of Buddhism in general, as there are a lot of misunderstandings about Sutra and Tantra in the West, and it will be also helpful to have it clarified.
But as Dalai Lama often says:
“Listen to what I say, but if you feel it doesn´t apply to you, throw it out of the window”.
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